Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 4

I am beginning week four of my personal challenge.  The first week my goal was to stick with it.  This was not an easy thing to do.  Not because I had no-no foods around the house, but because I was very hungry the first couple of days of that first week.  I had no idea how much I was fooling myself really eating.  It was quite the eye opener.

Week two came and I made a goal of drinking more water.  I am really lacking in this department, despite the fact that it is very dry here.  You would think water would come easily.  Truthfully I only think of it when I am parched.  I did good though.  I drank double what I normally drink. 

I have discovered a few tricks along the way.  Chocolate muffins which the recipe will be at the end of this post.   Skinny cow.  These are sooo good.  Careful though.  These yummy treats may be low in fat and calories but they are packed with fiber.  I also seem to be less hungry.  Am I keeping busier?  To look at my house one would scoff at that one.  I am trying to listen to my body's signs.  Is it truly hunger.  Do I really need food right now. 

Now as I enter into my 4th week, I am giving myself a huge challenge.  I am going to move more.  See, I didn't say exercise.  I said, "move more."  So a little extra each day.  Why would I want to throw myself into a full blown workout when I haven't left my couch in three years!?  No, I am just talking about little bits here and there.

Bonus:  The kids got McDonald's gift cards for Valentine's Day.   I took them today and got the grilled bacon chicken salad.  6 points in WW land.  And I am satisfied.  Nothing wrong with getting that yummy burger.  Order just the sandwich and ask for the side salad.  Take it one step further and request no dressing on the sandwich.  There is no reason to deny ourselves the things we like. 

What is your goal this week?

Pounds lost:  5 (my scale)
Pounds lost: 2(theirs)

Chocolate Muffins
3 cups All Bran Cereal
2 1/2 cups water
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 box low fat brownie mix
Soak cereal in water until all absorbed (5-8 min.).  Add baking powder and brownie mix.  Spoon into paper cups in muffin pan.  Bake at 350* fir 20-22 minutes.
They come out really good!  My kids ate them...repeatedly!  This is huge since they are all horribly picky eaters.   If you are WW literate it is 1 point per muffin if you use low fat brownie mix.  2 if you use regular.


Emmy said...

Have you heard of that couch to 5K program? I have had a few of my friends do it and they love it and swear by it.

Good for you! Keep going, you are doing awesome

mormonhermitmom said...

Wait, "low fat brownie mix"? There are boxes in the store that actually say that?

I've decided it's not the fat that gets me, it's the empty carbs. Too many of them.

Big pat on the back from me!

KK said...

I think you are doing great. Setting attainable goals like this will make you much more successful in the end. Way to go!

Unknown said...

good luck with your weight loss!
I'm glad I could make you smile!
Thanks for visiting my blog on my SITS day. Hope you'll come again!