Monday, October 4, 2010

What About the Kids?

I was in the waiting room last week for physical therapy...more on that tomorrow on my main blog...and I saw an issue of Parents Magazine.  It was either that or Motor Cross.  Since I know nothing about motor cross beyond the obvious, I chose the former.  I enjoyed Parents magazine...when the teen was new and I was green.  Now I am just jaded and set in MY ways, which are clearly RIGHT.  However, there was an article on how to get your kids to eat healthier.  I kind of scoffed and flipped to the appropriate page.  It turned out my scoffing was right.  When you see pictures of food that even you wouldn't eat, why would you make it for your kids??  And it got me thinking about my own kids and the limit of their palates.  How can I alter what they eat? 

So I did some searches...

  • All Recipes has some great snack ideas.
  • Kids Health has illness oriented recipes such as:  celliac disease, lactose intolerance plus everyday recipes that sound doable and also like something the kids would enjoy.
  • The Dollar Stretcher had good ideas and tips for lunches.
What it boils down to, is we know our kids.  We know where we can push and where we have to wait and try that later.  What healthy snack and lunches do you give your kids? 


KK said...

I'd be a terrible parent if I had to feed them, ugh. I don't know how you feed them healthy and keep them interested.

mormonhermitmom said...

I try to keep apples, applesauce, string cheese and granola bars available. I try not to make cookies that often (because I will eat them).

Trina said...

I feed my kids an equal balance of junk and healthy stuff. Granola bars is a healthy as it gets. They do like grapes and sometimes we snack on a side salad. I'm a bad parent.