Monday, September 13, 2010

How Does It Feel?

How does it feel to lose a pound?  Well, go into your pantry and grab something, anything that weighs a pound.  Go ahead I will wait.

Pretty amazing huh?  Were you as surprised as me when you lifted it?  How about if you have lost 5 pounds?  Go grab that 5 pound bag of flour.  That would be five of those bad boys for me.  Not happy about a smaller loss...grab a stick of butter and imagine that extra bit of poundage on your arms, face or thighs. 

Does that get you excited to lose more, even when it is a smaller amount?  How about this:  For the next 8 weeks, Weight Watchers is donating a pound of food for every pound lost by its members.  Isn't that cool?  Not a member of Weight Watchers?  Not a problem.  For the next 8 weeks do your own pound for pound and donate it to a homeless shelter, or to the food drive that your kids school sponsors.  I am excited about this, and I want to donate!  So I want to lose...a lot!

There are 800 million underfed people, and at the same time there are 1.6 BILLION overweight people. 

So how about it?  Are you up for the challenge?

The only place achievement comes before work is in the dictionary.


KK said...

That is eyeopening and awesome!

Sandra said...

Great challenge! You are always so full of knowledge...wanna be my study buddy?